Presentation title:
Fuck it... The limits of home remedies for egg-laying problems
Dr. Árisz Ziszisz
Presentation title:
snake brake
Dorka Turbéki-Wertán
Presentation title:
Mouse - Penthouse
Dorka Turbéki-Wertán
Presentation title:
Shit, it bit me!
Dr. Gábor Zacher
Presentation title:
What animals can you keep at home?
Exotic animal conservation 2023
Dr. Szilvia Vetter
Presentation title:
What can we learn from animals?
Luca Csirmaz
Presentation title:
New animal in the collection,
or veterinary issues
for stock expansion
Dr. Árisz Ziszisz
Presentation title:
Stories from the exotic - animal veterinarian
Dr. Péter Kertész
Presentation title:
The bond between man and animal
Gábor Antal
Presentation title:
Secrets of keeping rodents and rabbits
Dr. Ditta Sipos - Dr. Tímea Vakula
Presentation title:
How to act if you find an injured wild animal?
Dr. Szabina Tóth
Presentation title:
Animal show
Attila Demeter
On 8 February, EgZoo Mania, Hungary's largest exotic animal fair and first pet fair, will be held at a new venue on 10,000 square metres with even more exotic animals and more interesting programmes.
If you already have a pet at home, if you're even thinking about it, come to EgZoo Mania! Meet exotic animals, learn more about keeping them and find out about responsible pet ownership!
Explore the fascinating world of exotic animals and reptiles and get ready for an incredible experience, because this time EgZoo Mania has a special surprise for you!
IV. EgZoo Mania
Location: BOK "A" Hall
Date: 08 February 2025. Saturday from 10 am
If that wasn't enough, there's a fantastic surprise in store for at IV. EgZoo Mania!!
Details will be coming soon, in the meantime follow our social media platforms! More information on the on the website!
If you love animals, you can't miss this one!
Buy your ticket now or reserve your exhibitor table at a discounted price!
Early Bird discount:
Until midnight 31 December 2024
Earlybird price: 11.000Ft or 30€ per table
Original Price: 13.000Ft or 35€ / table
Table size: 200cm x 100cm
>View Supplier Policy<